23 May 2012

13371P3D14 anyone?

Has anyone considered the obvious advantages of a 13375]*34]{ Wikipedia language setting? No? Well, it's there! Loads of them! Yes! Exclamation points, too! Loads of them! I mean, can't you just see it?
|/|/1]{1]*3[)14 >< 7#3 ]=]233 3|\|('/]_03[)14
70[)4'/5 ]=347(_|]23[) 4]271(]_3:
[)3|/()<><> ]=()(_|]\[[)3[) 1|\| *1972* 8'/ 63]24]_[) |/ (454]_3 ><
/|/|4]2]{ /|/|()7#3]2584(_|6# >< & 808 ]_3|/|/15 >< [)3|/() 15 4
]*()57]*(_||\|]{ 3}{]*3]21|\|\3|\|74]_ ]2()(]{ 84|\|[)<>
]234[) |\|\()]23<><><>

See? It could work. It's a lot of typing, but hey, what's life without a challenge, right?
Why did I write this? Once I can answer myself on that one, I'll post the answer. Might take some time, that.

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